A world where imagination knows no bounds, and every story takes you on a journey through the extraordinary. At the heart of our realm is Maister, a globetrotter and visionary who has called Asia, Europe, and North America his home, before finally anchoring his dreams in the United Kingdom.

Maister's professional journey began in the field of marketing, where he sharpened his skills and acumen as a consultant. This rich tapestry of experiences across different cultures and industries has profoundly shaped his storytelling, infusing it with unique perspectives and insights.


In a bold move to explore new creative avenues, Maister embarked on a journey into the world of screenplay development and storytelling five years ago. His passion for writing and storytelling was further nurtured at the prestigious UCLA Professional Program in Writing for Television (2017-2018), where the seeds of his first screenplay were sown.

However, it was during the introspective period of the Covid pandemic that this screenplay idea blossomed into the novel that today forms the cornerstone of the Realm of the Unimages. This transition from script to book marks a significant milestone in Maister's creative odyssey.

Looking ahead, Maister is not just content with weaving tales in the literary realm. He envisions expanding the universe of the Unimages into a captivating series of fantasy novels. His ultimate dream? To bring the mesmerizing world of the Unimages to life on screen, sharing the magic and wonder with an even wider audience.